Reported fire safety and first-aid amenities in Airbnb venues in 16 American citiesHudson R Kennedy, Vanya C Jones, Andrea Gielen
7 May 2018
Mortality in the United States from self-injury surpasses diabetes: a prevention imperativeIan R H Rockett, Eric D Caine, Hilary S Connery, Shelly F Greenfield
27 August 2018
Estimated total costs from non-fatal and fatal bicycle crashes in the USA: 1997–2013Thomas W Gaither, Thomas A Sanford, Mohannad A Awad, E Charles Osterberg, Gregory P Murphy, Bruce A Lawrence, Ted R Miller, Benjamin N Breyer
1 June 2017
Oral fluid testing for marijuana intoxication: enhancing objectivity for roadside DUI testingMitchell L Doucette, Shannon Frattaroli, Jon S Vernick
1 June 2017
School shootings during 2013–2015 in the USABindu Kalesan, Kinan Lagast, Marcos Villarreal, Elizabeth Pino, Jeffrey Fagan, Sandro Galea
6 December 2016
Paediatric injury from indoor trampoline centresChristopher S Mulligan, Susan Adams, Julie Brown
15 August 2016
Official government statistics of road traffic deaths in India under-represent pedestrians and motorised two wheeler ridersKavi Bhalla, Nidhi Khurana, Dipan Bose, Kumari Vinodhani Navaratne, Geetam Tiwari, Dinesh Mohan
25 July 2016
Perils of police action: a cautionary tale from US data setsTed R Miller, Bruce A Lawrence, Nancy N Carlson, Delia Hendrie, Sean Randall, Ian R H Rockett, Rebecca S Spicer
25 July 2016
Preventing violence-related injuries in England and Wales: a panel study examining the impact of on-trade and off-trade alcohol pricesNicholas Page, Vaseekaran Sivarajasingam, Kent Matthews, Saeed Heravi, Peter Morgan, Jonathan Shepherd
11 July 2016
Laundry pod and non-pod detergent related emergency department visits occurring in children in the USAThomas A Swain, Gerald McGwin, Jr, Russell Griffin
23 June 2016